About Us

Andy and I met on a blind date in Dec. 2005. One of my 7th grade students was his neice, and she set us up. Go figure. We saw each other every day after that! We were engaged by June and married in September of 2006. In January, 2008, we welcomed little Ethan into our home, and in August, 2010, little Addison arrived.

Andy is a diesel mechanic at Kennecott. I taught middle school science for ten years, and am now an evidence-based learning specialist for a school district.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Addy's Blessing

We had a great day today with family and friends at Addy's blessing and luncheon. Andy gave her a beautiful blessing.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Touching Moment

While Andy is out of town, I've been pretty good about cooking dinner and taking care of the house, but tonight I didn't want to cook, so off to Papa Murphey's we went to pick up some great pizza. I walked in the door, and I saw one of my former 7th grade students, who is now a senior in high school. He asked all about my little family and how we were all doing, and then he proceeded to tell me that he's going to the JTEC center 1/2 day to become a surgical assistant and that he wants to join the military and go to school to become a doctor. I told him I was proud of him, and also a little excited that he'd chosen a career in the science profession. He just said . . . "why do you think I like science so much, it's because of you." I was so touched I wanted to cry. I really do like the job I have now as an Evidence-based learning specialist. It has been a learning and growing opportunity, but I have to say that I really miss my kids, and miss being able to be a part of their lives, and hopefully be able to touch them in some small way. Tyson reminded me tonight of why I went into education in the first place, and maybe I need to get back to the classroom!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Story Time

Ethan certainly has my number when it comes to bed time. He loves me to read to him, and asks for book after book after book. I know he is just delaying bedtime, but I can't help but want to read to my little guy for academic, and emotional reasons. Some of his favorites . . .

He has most of them memorized and if I start the sentence, he can finish them. I especially love Good Night Moon. He says "and good night to the old lady whispering hush" so cute! The other part that is adorable is in where's my mother? He says "SNORT" so funny you just have to laugh! I love reading stories to my little guy. Even if it does delay bedtime occasionally. :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our Happy Girl

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Andy's Birthday

Happy 32 to my sweetheart! I am so grateful to have you in my life. Your smile is contagious, your silly giggle makes me laugh, your strength always impresses me, your soft touch makes me feel safe and loved, your gentle kisses on the heads of our children melt my heart. Thank you for sharing your life with me, and happy birthday!

Happy Halloween

Halloween, or Halloweeney, as Ethan calls it, was so much fun this year. Ethan had a ball helping to put up all the spooky decorations, carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, and even answering the door on Halloween night.

Andy had the house all decked out with every spooky thing you could possibly imagine. He even had a dummy on the porch. We found all sorts of things on it the next morning. It looked as though people threw rocks, etc at it to determine whether there was a real person in it waiting to scare them. He also had the music video of thriller projected on the house. The parents of the trick-or-treaters seemed to enjoy this the most, and many sat out on the lawn and watched the video and did a little dancing. It was quite a site, and Andy loved every minute of it.

Ethan, of course, was spiderman. He LOVES superhero costumes, and always wants to be dressed up as Superman, Spiderman, Batman, or Buzz LIghtyear. He looked super cute, and has almost wore the costume right out, because he has worn it so many times. There aren't too many 2 month old Halloween costumes, but Addy wore a cute little ladybug outfit. She looked darling in it. I was a witch, but shame on me, I didn't get pictures of all of us together. My mom did though, so I'll have to get a pic from her to post later on.

Addy's 2 month appointment

I knew Addy was getting big, but I didn't realize how big until we went to the Doc on the 18th of October for her check-up. She was already 12 lbs. 8 ounces, and was in the 92% for weight! Good heavens. We couldn't love our little chunk any more though. She is just perfect, and is such a sweet baby. She is cooing and smiling, and loves for you to talk to her. She is just pleasant and happy 90% of the time, and her little spirit is a welcome addition to our home.