About Us

Andy and I met on a blind date in Dec. 2005. One of my 7th grade students was his neice, and she set us up. Go figure. We saw each other every day after that! We were engaged by June and married in September of 2006. In January, 2008, we welcomed little Ethan into our home, and in August, 2010, little Addison arrived.

Andy is a diesel mechanic at Kennecott. I taught middle school science for ten years, and am now an evidence-based learning specialist for a school district.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snowed In!

We have had a ton of snow in the past few days, and here is the proof! Colby, I hope you like these pictures since you don't have any snow of your own. It's all the way up to our porch! It's covered all the bushes that we put cute christmas lights on, but oh well! Glad we had ourselves a snow blower to get us out of this mess!


Stephanie Clegg said...

I'm up in here in Utah now and realize why I moved away. All the snow!! Actually, we had a snow day in Las Vegas, but for 4 inches of snow. I just had to laugh that the schools and airport and roads and everything shut down for such a small amount of snow. Oh well, at least I had a day off. Can't really complain. I love your blog and hope you don't mind if I check it out every now and then. Good luck with your masters. Happy Holidays. I'm visiting Clegg, so it looks like she is leaving a comment, but it's me, Amy Nelson.

Kama said...

You have more snow than we have in Montana! Wait till Ethan is a little older and wants to go outside and play in it. Then someone will be glad there is that much snow.