About Us

Andy and I met on a blind date in Dec. 2005. One of my 7th grade students was his neice, and she set us up. Go figure. We saw each other every day after that! We were engaged by June and married in September of 2006. In January, 2008, we welcomed little Ethan into our home, and in August, 2010, little Addison arrived.

Andy is a diesel mechanic at Kennecott. I taught middle school science for ten years, and am now an evidence-based learning specialist for a school district.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Addison's Pictures


Candace said...

She is sooo cute! I can't wait to see her... As soon as Sloane isn't sick anymore.

The Nash Family said...

She is just perfect!!! Those pics are adorable. Her hair is so dark i love it!! HOpe to come visit soon!

Stephanie Clegg said...

OMG she is adorable, congratulations.

Christy Lee Austin said...

I can see she is going to look lilac cute little Ethan already. So cute!

Melinda said...

She's so sweet and tiny! I love the 2nd and 3rd pictures. Congratulations!

Syd said...

Congratulations Leslie! So glad she's here--keep the pictures coming! :)

Laura said...

Hahahaha! LOVE the picture of Ethan being REPELLED by Addison! She is going to be able to use that one against him some day! Don't worry, they'll be BFF's soon.

Diane said...

Oh my goodness...She is so darn cute! I love all that hair!

Lindsay said...


Beth and Jess said...

She is sooo gorgeous. Congratulations.

Lindsey Hicks said...

She has such pretty clear skin.

SETHER+ONE said...

Good job Leslie! A mother of two! I'm so impressed. :) She's beautiful, and I love her name. Lovely pictures.