About Us

Andy and I met on a blind date in Dec. 2005. One of my 7th grade students was his neice, and she set us up. Go figure. We saw each other every day after that! We were engaged by June and married in September of 2006. In January, 2008, we welcomed little Ethan into our home, and in August, 2010, little Addison arrived.

Andy is a diesel mechanic at Kennecott. I taught middle school science for ten years, and am now an evidence-based learning specialist for a school district.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Memory Lane

It's been 12 short years since my first days of college, and yesterday I had the opportunity to get together with a few of my roomies! It was so fun to see them, and hear about what they'd been up to since we left college. They both have adorable boys that are just about the same age as Ethan. They are still a little too young to play together, but this will come in time! Pam and Heather, you guys are still fun, beautiful, and wonderful ladies! Love ya!

One of two things always seems to happen when you meet up with friends from the past . . . A) you simply talk about what you've been doing, and then you run out of things to say and it gets awkward, or 2) you reconnect, and you're right back in the groove of how things used to be. No awkardness, just fun. I guess this is the sign of true friendships! I'm glad we were like the 2nd scenario and were able to just jump right back in, have a great time, and enjoy each others company!

Thank heavens for blogging, because this is where I ran into Pam, and then into Heather, and I've been able to make connections with other people from my past as well! It's so fun to see what everyone is up to!


Beth and Jess said...

Pam told me you guys got together. I am so jealous I couldn't be there. And my girls loved the pictures of Ethan eating his carrots. So cute.

pam said...

Leslie! We had SOOOO much fun yesterday! Thanks for letting us come to your house. I loved "catching up". And you're right ... it was great to just pick right up like we had actually seen each other lately (instead of ... I don't know how many years)! I'm totally bummed that we didn't take any pics. I even brought my camera. That just means we need to get together again. And soon! LOVE YOU!