About Us

Andy and I met on a blind date in Dec. 2005. One of my 7th grade students was his neice, and she set us up. Go figure. We saw each other every day after that! We were engaged by June and married in September of 2006. In January, 2008, we welcomed little Ethan into our home, and in August, 2010, little Addison arrived.

Andy is a diesel mechanic at Kennecott. I taught middle school science for ten years, and am now an evidence-based learning specialist for a school district.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camping Trip

This weekend, we went camping with my parents! Ethan had a great time playing in the dirt at the campsite! In fact, this is one of the few pictures I've actually taken of him smiling!

Grandma and Grandpa love to entertain him! Here is Grandma with some bubbles she bought for him!

We took a quick trip from our campsite down to Zermatt to ride the carousel adn feed the goats! Ethan was afraid of the carousel, but really liked the goats!

We also had fun at the duck pond! The ducks would come right up to your hand to eat! This is hilareous of Grandma! Thanks mom and dad for having us up!! We really enjoyed it!


Christy Lee Austin said...

Wow Ethan has quite the little arm in this video! He is such a cutie I love that little boy!